32 Best Backdrops for Weddings

Wedding Dress

Wedding Ceremony

Unweaving this web of relationships is difficult at best and near to impossible without hours of study of the various ways in which people are considered to be related. The primary obstacle to Heinz and Merry’s marriage was the Batak tradition that a Batak can only marry another Batak, so Heinz had to be accepted into a Batak marga. Since tradition further stipulates that a man may not marry a woman from his own clan, Batak grooms have to search among the other 451 marga for a wife. Fortunately, non-Batak grooms can be adopted by a willing Batak clan and thereby marry a Batak wife according to tradition. The flower girl and ring bearer enter separately or together and carry the rings and drop petals as they saunter down the aisle.

  • Arches, especially those made with wooden pillars, are whimsical and fairytale-like.
  • The bride and groom may be proceeded by dancers who give a traditional dance performance before the wedding couple goes on stage.
  • Today’s wedding vows are often personalized according to whatever feels right to the couple.
  • Planner Tiffany Rivera ofSimply Breathe Eventssuggests looking into beautiful private homes on the rental market because they give you the flexibility to move between spaces.
  • They offer their profound gratitude for all the love and care their parents showed in raising them.

We may assume that love is some rare and mystical event, when in fact it is our natural state of being. Marriage requires “love”, a word we often use with vagueness and sentimentality. The principles and sentiments expressed today will be very familiar to you all. Whatever source of spiritual guidance you follow, I’m sure you will agree that as inhabitants of Planet Earth, we are one family.